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发布时间:2023-09-22 10:25:03来源:122下载站作者:admin



  • mega millions是什么意思
  • 百万的英文单词
  • 百万用英语怎么说?
  • 百万英文怎么读
  • 电影2012英文简介
  • mega millions是什么意思

    mega millions 超级百万 如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳, ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力 ~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


      百万,数量单位,一百个万;一千个千,实数;一般也被用来表示虚指,言数量极多。那么,你知道百万的英语怎么说吗?   百万 [bǎi wàn]   百万的英文释义:   millions   million   mega   millio   百万的英文例句:   经济萧条时期,有好几百万的失业者在街头游荡。   During the depression, millions of the unemployed wandered around in the streets.   据估计,损失超过了一百万元。   It is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars.   因为有钱又慷慨,他捐了两百万圆给红十字会。   Rich and generous, he contributed two million dollars to the Red Cross.   恐龙已绝种几百万年了。   Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.   那老人去世时留下二百万美元的遗产。   The old man left an estate of two million dollars when he died.   每天有数百万头牛被屠杀。   Millions of cattle are slaughtered every day.   你的某一个想法有可能价值百万美元。   You can have an idea worth millions of dollars.   近来,三家调查机构利用在房屋市场有资格的专业人员,通过敢于接近客户和出售服务创造了每年百万美元的营业额。   Whatever you do in this industry will have your petitors rubbishing you.   他有一份年收入百万元的 *** 工作。   He has a part time job that brings in one million dollars a year.   Powell's unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions 鲍威尔升任高官的不寻常历程对数以百万计的人都是一个激励。   I'm broke, Livy, and I owe a couple of million dollars 我破产了,莉薇,而且我欠了几百万美元的债。   He called Mr Mandela a hero who had inspired millions 他称曼德拉先生为鼓舞了数百万民众的英雄。   Her old man left her a few million when he died 她老爸去世时留给了她好几百万。   Millions of people want new, simplified ways of interacting with a puter 数以百万计的人们想要新的简化方式实现人机互动。   There are still several million ethnic Germans in Russia 俄罗斯境内仍有数百万德国人。   The painting is expected to fetch between two and three million pounds 预计这幅画将售得两三百万英镑。   Millions of householders are eligible to claim the new council tax benefit 数百万房主都有资格申请新的市政税优惠。   Of America's million millionaires in 1985 , the average age was63. 1985年美国上百万的百万富翁的平均年龄是63岁   The bomb must explode within less than a millionth of a second 炸弹必须在不到百万分之一秒的时间内爆炸。   It was obscene to spend millions producing unwanted food 耗资数百万去生产一些不需要的食品,真是令人发指。   Johnson was salivating over the millions he stood to make 约翰逊对快要到手的几百万垂涎欲滴。   Seven million doses of vaccine are annually given to British children 英国孩子每年要接种百万剂疫苗。   For a hit show, profits can add up to millions of dollars 一场热门演出的利润可达数百万美元。   Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours 另外还有数百万人因工作时间过长而睡眠严重不足。   The pany has now gone into receivership with debts of several million 公司欠债数百万,现在已进入破产管理阶段。   In the 1930s, millions of Ukrainians starved to death or were deported 在20世纪30年代,有几百万乌克兰人饿死或被驱逐出境。   A City busines *** an swindled investors out of millions of pounds 一名来自伦敦商业区的商人骗取了投资者们数百万英镑。   She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single 百万听众和着她第一首歌的节拍打着响指。   Who could cut the millions of stone blocks and fit them together? 谁能切割出这数百万块的石块,再把它们堆叠起来呢?


    一万,十万,百万,千万,亿,用英语怎么说哦 英语中数词最基本的除了1~99外,还有hundred(百)、thousand(千)、million(百万)、billion(十亿)中间的数可由以上的数组合。万(ten thousand) 十万(a hundred thousand) 百万(one million) 千万(ten million) 亿(one hundred常million) 例如1234567890:one billion two hundred and thirty-four million five hundred and sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety 看起来复杂,实际规律一样 ”一百万“英文怎么说 one工million. 百是hundred, 千是thousand, 万是ten thousand, 十万是one hundred thousand, 百万就是one million 2百万用英文怎么说 two millions 百万用英语怎么说? million ['mɪljən] 1400万人用英语怎么说14 million.hundred百 thousand千 million百万 billion十亿 1400万=14,000,000 fourteen million 百万的英语翻译 百万用英语怎么说 百万 [词典] million; mega; mil.; [例句]到他去世的时候,他已经是一位百万富翁了。 By the time he died, he was a millionaire. 一百万英语怎么说 1 million 或one million 又a million 正确哦 采纳谢谢 "5632071"这个百万位数字用英语怎么说 "5632071"这个百万位数字用英语怎么说 five million six hundred and thirty-two thousand and seventy-one "5632071"这个百万位数字用英语怎么说 five million six hundred and thirty-two thousand and seventy-one 英语千,百,百万,十亿怎么用 百 100 = hundred 千 1,000 = one thousand 百万 1,000,000 = one million 十亿 1,000,000,000 = one billion 万亿 1,000,000,000,000 = one trillion 从1数到10我们都会,一百一千呢?也很简单one hundred and one thousand. 一万是ten thousand,十万是one houndred thousand,百万不再是ten houndred thousand,老外又造了一个词million专门表示一百万,百万富翁就是millionaire. 千万就是ten million,万万(亿)就是one hundred million,十亿又有个新词了叫billion.百亿显然就是ten billion,千亿是one hundred billion. 说到这,总能猜到了吧,万亿肯定又有一个新词了,再下又是如出一辙。万亿很少用到了,这个词是trillion. 汉语数字与英语数字之间的转换: (1)以汉语数字的关键计数点为出发点的公式: 一万 10 thousand 一亿 100 million 十万 100 thousand 十亿 1 billion 百万 1 million 百亿 10 billion 千万 10 million 千亿 100 billion 万亿 1 trillion (2)以英语数字的关键计数点为出发点的公式: 1 thousand = 千 1 million = 百万 1 billion =十亿 10 thousand = 万 10 million = 千万 10 billion =百亿 100 thousand = 十万 100 million = 亿 100 billion =千亿 1 thrillion =万亿 (很容易搞混,仔细研究下吧。希望能帮到你~~)






    Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark.



    1、around one million 约一百万

    2、by millions 数以百万计

    3、one in million 百万分之一

    4、millions of outlay 涉及几百万的开支

    5、millions of people 数百万民众




    2、million用作定语且有a或其他数词修饰时,一般要用单数形式; 用在of短语前或表示不确定数字时常用复数形式。million指“钱”时可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。




    2012 is a science fiction drama disaster film, directed by Roland Emmerich and released in 2009. The film stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson. It was distributed by Columbia Pictures. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver. The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos. Ranging from Los Angeles falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, cataclysmic earthquakes wreaking havoc around the globe, and Megatsunamis surging across the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue. The film was promoted in a marketing campaign by a fictional organization, the "Institute for Human Continuity"; this entailed a fictitious book written by Jackson Curtis entitled Farewell Atlantis, and streaming media, blog updates and radio broadcasts from the apocalyptic zealot Charlie Frost at his website entitled This Is The End. This campaign was subjected to numerous criticisms, and was regarded as a form of viral marketing. The film received mixed to negative reviews but topped the international box office in its first weekend with $450 million. It ultimately grossed 767,581,683 worldwide becoming Roland Emmerich's second highest grossing film behind Independence Day. Plot 情节 In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley learns from a colleague, Dr. Satnam Tsurtuani, at an underground copper mine in India that neutrinos from a massive solar flare are acting as microwave radiation, causing the temperature of the Earth's core to increase rapidly. Adrian informs White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser and US President Thomas Wilson that this will trigger a catastrophic chain of natural disasters. At the G8 summit in 2010, other heads of state and heads of government are made aware of the situation. They begin a massive, secret project intended to ensure the survival of humanity. Approximately 400,000 people are chosen to board a series of ships (called arks) to be constructed in the Himalayas. The majority of tickets aboard the ships are reserved for heads of state, government officials and selected individuals chosen for their skills, while additional funding for the project is raised by selling tickets to the private sector at the price of 1 billion euros per person. In 2012, Jackson Curtis is a writer in Los Angeles who works part-time as a limousine driver for Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate and their children Noah and Lilly live with her boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot Gordon Silberman. Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, a conspiracy theorist living as a hermit and hosting a radio show from the park. Charlie references a theory that suggests the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and claims he has knowledge and a map of the secret ark project. The family returns home as cracks develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and large earthquakes occur in many places along the West Coast. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and they narrowly escape Los Angeles as it collapses into the Pacific Ocean. As millions die in cataclysmic earthquakes worldwide, the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie's map. After retrieving the map, the group narrowly escapes as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie, who stayed behind to broadcast the eruption, is killed in the blast. Learning that the arks are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where they meet Yuri, his sons, girlfriend Tamara, and pilot Sasha. They join the group and secure an Antonov 225 aircraft, fleeing just as Las Vegas is destroyed. Also bound for the arks aboard Air Force One are Anheuser, Adrian, and First Daughter Laura Wilson. President Wilson chooses to remain in Washington D.C., and is soon killed by a mega tsunami that sends the USS John F. Kennedy crashing into the White House. With the Vice President also dead and the Speaker of the House missing, Anheuser takes over as acting president. Arriving in China in a crash-landing that kills Sasha, the group is spotted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Yuri and his sons, possessing tickets, are taken to the ships. The Curtis family, Gordon, and Tamara, who do not have tickets, are picked up by Nima, a Buddhist monk on his way to the arks. They stowaway aboard an ark with the help of Nima's brother Tenzin, who has been working on the ark project. A mega tsunami approaches the site as tens of thousands are still attempting to board the final ark, and a large impact driver becomes lodged between the gears of the ark's hydraulics chamber, preventing a boarding gate from closing and rendering the ship unable to start its engines. In the ensuing chaos, Yuri, Gordon, and Tamara are killed, and the flooded ark is set adrift. Jackson and Noah free the impact driver from the closing mechanism, and the crew regains control of the ark, preventing a fatal collision with Mount Everest. When the global floodwater from the tsunamis eventually recedes, satellite data shows that Africa's elevation rose in relation to sea level, and the Drakensberg mountains in KwaZulu Natal are now the highest on the planet. The scientists are sure that the rest of the land on earth will soon rise above sea level, too. As three arks set sail for the Cape of Good Hope, Jackson reconciles with his family and Adrian starts a relationship with Laura. The movie ends with a view of the Earth from space, showing a vastly different continental landscape. 希望帮到你啦~




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